Advertising ID RequestIf you would like to apply for an Advertising ID, please fill out the following form. What type of advertising ID are you requesting? BusinessServicesFundraiserEventNon-Profit Is this business registered with the state? YesNo Business name - If this business is registered with the state, the name provided must match. Business Email Business Phone Business Address: Does your business require a DOPL or other license? YesNo If so, please specify the name of the licensed person licensed or the license number? Your own full name as it appears in the Eagle Mountain City Citizens' Group, NOT your business name: Your phone number: Your email address: Description of products or services: What is 6+4? I understand that I may advertise my business, product, group, or service once per 7-day period. I Agree I understand that it may be a few days before I get my advertising ID. I AgreeΔ